세턴 운송 Saturn Freight Systems
평점: 5.0
지.상사, 한인사업체 > 무역 및 도매 
전화: 650-200-4422
팩스: 650-532-9662
홈페이지: http://www.saturnfreight.com
이메일: gchoisaturnfreight.com
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검색키워드 : 운송,이사짐,Freight Forwarding,항공화물,해상선박화물,자동차 선적
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 세턴 운송 소개
Global Freight Forwarding. We are members of the IGLN (Inter-Global Logistics Network) which is a part of the World Cargo Alliance (WCA). There are several hundred agents in the IGLN, covering most major airports and ports around the world. The WCA has over 3200 members and we have access to them as well. Air-Ocean Consolidator.