마운트 벨 아카데미 Mount Bell Academy
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 마운트 벨 아카데미 소개
The Mount Bell Way
According to former Secretary of Education Richard Riley, the top 10 jobs that will be in demand in 2010 didn't exist in 2004. So consider this: We are currently preparing students for jobs that don't yet exist, using technologies that haven't yet been invented, in order to solve problems we don't even know are problems yet. What an awesome responsibility! What a joyous adventure!

We believe that the high school years are crucial for young people. So we have created an environment that makes those high school years successful - an environment of trust - where each student's voice is heard and respected and where each instructor takes a personal interest in the growth of each student.

A Mount Bell Academy education prepares students to use the skills learned at school in all life's endeavors. Mount Bell Academy is a life-changing experience, challenging and fun. It asks a great deal from every student - higher standards, greater expectations, and deeper engagement not only in the world of ideas, but also in the life of the community.

The "Mount Bell Way" is a way of being: interacting with other minds, listening carefully, speaking respectfully, accepting new ideas and questioning old ones, using new knowledge, and enjoying the richness of human interaction. It is exemplified by the staff and embraced by the students. It's fun, it's exhilarating, it's the way to be.

College Preparatory - Grades 8-12
Parents can be surprised when seeing "Grades 8-12". Does it mean we run a 5-year school? Does it mean Mount Bell Academy has five separate grade levels? Actually, no.

Our Principal has over 17 years experience working with academically advanced students in grades K-12. She knows that some students can be ready for high school or even college level work as early as 7th grade.

Our admissions process evaluates potential students in terms of preparedness and emotional maturity instead of looking simply at age. Students with a track record of strong academic achievement and emotional maturity may enter our college preparatory program after completing seventh grade. Advanced Placement courses are available to students as early as their first year.

Our personalized instruction method helps students quickly develop mastery of even difficult subjects, and some may be able to fullfil their graduation requirements in under four years. At Mount Bell Academy, we don't believe in holding achievers back. We take pride in launching them to success.