스시토모 Sushi Tomo
평점: 5.0
식당, 식품, 제과점 > 식당,상점장비 
전화: 650-856-1100
팩스: 650-856-3300
이메일: SushiTomoyahoo.com
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검색키워드 : sushi, japanese cuisine
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 영업 시간
El Camino Way: mon-sun, 11:30am-9:30pm
University Ave: mon-sun, 11:30am-10:00pm
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 스시토모 소개
Sushi Tomo is in two locations in the city of Palo Alto. Sushi Tomo on El Camino Way has a sushi boat with delicious japanese food with great resonable prices. The second location is the Sushi Tomo at 201 University Ave., Palo Alto, Ca, 94301. This is in Downtown Palo Alto at the corner of Emerson and University, just 2 mins to stanford University.
 판매 제품
Sushi, Japanese cuisine (bento boxes, etc)
 알림 글
two locations:
4131 El Camino Way, Palo Alto, Ca 94306 [(650)856-1100]
201 University Ave, Palo Alto, Ca 94301 [(650)324-3300]