Targ Computers Targa Computers
평점: 5.0
전화, 인터넷, 컴퓨터 > 컴퓨터 용품, 수리 
전화: 510-490-6768
팩스: 510-580-1171
홈페이지: http://www.targacomputers.com
이메일: mikatargacomputers.com
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검색키워드 : Computer, Laptop, Notebook computer, desktop, servers, computer repair
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 영업 시간
9:00 AM-5:30 PM
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 Targ Computers 소개
Targa Computers has been around since 2000 providing high quality systems to companies and individuals alike. Situated at the heart of Silicon Valley, we are in the midst of the world’s leaders in technological manufacturing. We are dedicated to providing our valued customers state of the art systems that they can be proud of. We strive to make TC your number one choice for high-end systems by testing the systems out to make sure each components works well together for maximum performance before marketing it.
 판매 제품
Customized laptop computer
Customized workstations and servers
Laptop repair