미용 성형 수술 센터 Center for Cosmetic Surgery
평점: 5.0
의료기관, 한방, 약국 > 성형외과 
전화: 408-374-9092
휴대전화: 408-374-9092
팩스: 408-374-0373
홈페이지: http://www.cosmetixsurgeon.com
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검색키워드 : plastic surgery
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 영업 시간
Mon through Fri 9:30 AM to 6:30 PM
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 미용 성형 수술 센터 소개
We are a full service cosmetic surgery clinic providing superior service to the individual who wishes to have cosmentic surgery. We combine the latest advanced technologies with gentle surgical technique and care and attention to detail to optimize your results of cosmetic surgery. We specialize in the belly button technique of breast augmentation without visible scars.
Breast Augmentation without visible scars, Asian Eyelids(Korean technique), Asian Rhinoplasty(Nose reshaping), Liposculpture(ultrasonic), Face Lift w/ short downtime,
 알림 글
Serving the Korean community of Silicon Valley & San Francisco Bay Area since 1983.