엠백스 벤처그룹 Ambex Venture Group
평점: 5.0
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 엠백스 벤처그룹 소개
Ambex Venture Group is a private venture fund founded by Chong-Moon Lee in 1996 focused on Internet, Networking, and Multimedia Technology investment. Located in the heart of the Silicon Valley, Ambex Venture Group is heavily involved in developing new business opportunities within the global high tech markets. Recent investments have been in the areas of high speed network switching, voice over IP applications and hardware, WWW architecture, Internet security tools, and graphic multimedia hardware.

Ambex Venture Group provides seed as well as preferred round funding at various stages for pre-IPO companies. We provide a full range of strategic support services for our portfolio companies at various stages from startup to post-IPO. In addition, Ambex has participated in a wide range of venture fund investments and has established key relationships with several well established firms in the areas of Investment Banking, Accounting and Underwriting, and Corporate Strategic Services.

Serious investment opportunities are invited to be presented to our technical and/or financial staff members for review.