에이알엠 컴퓨터 ARM Computer, Inc
평점: 5.0
전화, 인터넷, 컴퓨터 > 컴퓨터 용품, 수리 
전화: 408-964-2525
팩스: 408-964-2584
홈페이지: http://www.armcomputer.com
이메일: mika.taiarmcomputer.com
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검색키워드 : Computer, laptops, notebook computer, portable computer, LCD PC, PC
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 영업 시간
8:00AM though 6:00PM
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 에이알엠 컴퓨터 소개
ARM has also won numerous industry magazine awards for product and service excellence. ARM notebooks are fully upgradeable open architecture notebooks. It provides a cost effective solution by using industry standard parts to fit the customer`s needs. This unique approach to notebook design has generated extensive interest in the market.
 판매 제품
ARMNotebooks/Laptop Computers
Mini PC
 알림 글
New Centrino notebook has 4-5 hours battery life.
16" UXGA screen laptop with ATI 128MB video.